L'Altromondo - from another worldIt is 1965 and the Piper Club opens its doors in Rome. It will be the first club with experimental audiovisual expression and the precursor of the large-scale dance palace as we know it today. Pop art united with music! It was followed at the end of the 60's by the Mach 2 in Florence, the Piper Club in Turin and the L'Altro Mondo in Rimini. The latter is the only one to survive to the present day, making it one of the original clubs that called themselves "Radical Disco". Derived from "Radical Design," the movement was driven primarily by architects who were ardent advocates of the new technology and advocated the creation of new meeting spaces through light, music and performance art.https://zmi-live-phonogen.web.kup.tirol/Plone/de/blog/web-tips/laltromondo-von-einer-anderen-welthttps://zmi-live-phonogen.web.kup.tirol/Plone/de/blog/web-tips/laltromondo-von-einer-anderen-welt/@@download/image/L'Altro Mondo 1970-1980.png
L'Altromondo - from another world
It is 1965 and the Piper Club opens its doors in Rome. It will be the first club with experimental audiovisual expression and the precursor of the large-scale dance palace as we know it today. Pop art united with music! It was followed at the end of the 60's by the Mach 2 in Florence, the Piper Club in Turin and the L'Altro Mondo in Rimini. The latter is the only one to survive to the present day, making it one of the original clubs that called themselves "Radical Disco". Derived from "Radical Design," the movement was driven primarily by architects who were ardent advocates of the new technology and advocated the creation of new meeting spaces through light, music and performance art.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 1965. In Rom eröffnet der Piper Club seine Pforten. Er wird der erste Club mit experimentell audiovisuellem Ausdruck sein und der Vorläufer des grossräumigen Tanzpalast wie wir es heute kennen. Pop Art vereint mit Musik! Es folgten Ende der 60er Jahre das Mach 2 in Florenz, der Piper Club in Turin und das L'Altro Mondo in Rimini. Letzterer wird als einziger bis in die heutige Zeit überleben und gehört damit zum Urgestein der Clubs, die sich "Radical Disco" nannten. Abgeleitet von "Radical Design" wurde die Bewegung vor allem von Architekten vorangetrieben, welche glühende Verfechter der neuen Technologie waren und sich für Neuschaffung von Begegnungsräumen mittels Licht, Musik und Performancekunst einsetzten.