
Max Berlin

French, do it better! Mais no: les Belges! One could think it was Serge Gainsbourg who talks lasciviously into the microphone. But no, not a Frenchman, but Max Berlin aka Jean-Pierre Cerrone from 1978! "Dream Disco" probably does not mean anything to many people. Nevertheless, there was this genre a short time. The song was produced by the brother of Jean-Marc Cerrone, who in turn worked a lot with Giorgio Moroder (I feel Love). Rare single by the way and very sexy!

French, do it better! Mais no: les Belges! Man könnte meinen es sei Serge Gainsbourg der da ins Mikro lasziv rein redet. Aber eben nein nicht ein Franzose, sondern Max Berlin aka Jean-Pierre Cerrone aus dem Jahre 1978! "Dream Disco" sagt wahrscheinlich nicht vielen etwas. Trotzdem gab es dieses Genre eine kurze Zeit. Der Song wurde vom Bruder von Jean-Marc Cerrone produziert, der wiederum viel mit Giorgio Moroder (I feel Love) zusammenarbeitete. Rare Single übrigens und very sexy!